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				PBLIGHT0402NWSAS,10/04/00,Staff Photo by AKIRA SUWA; Philadelphia Interfaith Action (PIA) deliverd lots of bricks from collapsing and sinking homes to Mayor Street at City Hall to symbolize frustration at  his lack of action so far on a blight plan. PIA is a regional multi-denominational, multi-ethnic citizens group representing dozens of neighborhoods. The group presented Street with a blueprint for fighting blight last summer, with no response. --- Demonstrators are dumping bricks in front of the City Hall NE entrance.
PBLIGHT0402NWSAS,10/04/00,Staff Photo by AKIRA SUWA; Philadelphia Interfaith Action (PIA) deliverd lots of bricks from collapsing and sinking homes to Mayor Street at City Hall to symbolize frustration at his lack of action so far on a blight plan. PIA is a regional multi-denominational, multi-ethnic citizens group representing dozens of neighborhoods. The group presented Street with a blueprint for fighting blight last summer, with no response. --- Demonstrators are dumping bricks in front of the City Hall NE entrance.
19 Apr 2018

New collaborative Resolve Philadelphia launches ‘Broke in Philly’ project